Havapoo litter with Conchita & Checkers came 1/13/2025. There are 4 males & 1 female. Go home date is expected to be 3/10/2025
Names are based on vintage toys.
Black boy #1 (Tiddly Winks) has the most white around his neck. He is Irish pied. He is AVAILABLE for $1500
Black boy #2 (Marbles) has a white collar, so also Irish pied. His face is black now, but I see white under his nose and on his chin. He is AVAILABLE for $1500
Black boy #3 (Pistol) has a nice face. He also has a slim partial white collar. He is AVAILABLE for $1500
The only female (Doll Baby) is the smallest, and the only red parti. Not sure yet if black based or chocolate based. She is ON HOLD.
Chocolate boy (Teddy Bear) is the only brown, and is also Irish pied. He is RESERVED for Melissa
Waitlist has been notified.